Waseh man, i never expect that my friend, Ting (Celine) will post something about Vampire Knight o! Cause' she always the quiet one when Tian (Vilyn) and I keep on talking things about this animated cartoon. The most that she says is...." So nice meh?". Haha....who knows she's the first one who posted such thing in her blog. Aiyoyo...
Can't be denied that Vampire Knight is a really nice animated cartoon. At first, i still doubted about whether it's really that nice when Chean Chean told me about it. She's the one who introduced us to watch it. Vilyn gave me the whole movies of Season I and I just started to watch it after i finished my two weeks holidays in Kuching. Before i watched it, i was attracted by one of the characters named Zero. After watched it, i was completely addicted to the movie. Whereas Vilyn and Chean Chean are more interested in another guy whose name is Kaname.
For sure that everyone can guess this story is all about vampires since the name of movie is Vampire Knight. Haha... In this story, i got to know that there're two types of vampire. One is the pure-blood vampire who is always been respected and has the highest status (noble class) among the rest. Another one is common vampire who may suffer a lot and will fall to Level E eventually. Level E means a level that a vampire totally lost his mind and control. THey will simply attack a human without any hesitation when they are hunger for human blood.

By the way, Zero was the one who will go through Level E as he ever been attacked by a pure blood vampire. One who is being attacked by a pure blood vampire will normally has two consequances. Either he will become a vampire or he will die. Unfortunately, Zero was still alive. Thus, he endured the agony of being a vampire throughout the past four years since he was being attacked. He started to eager for blood which he could hardly accepted the fact. He hated vampires so so so much as his parents were killed by the vampire. It's damn ironic huh~ His life could be extended if he received Kaname's blood. But....he refused to do so...

As a pure blood vampire, Kaname has right and authority to control others. He always looked elegant in his uniform. Besides, he was so mysterious that everyone could hardly comprehend him. Until now, i still wondering that if he was a good one or the bad one although he always protected Yuuki from dangers. Yuuki was a girl that both Zero and Kaname liked. Everything seemed like under his control or plan. This is the thing that confusing me. Never mind, i may find it out when i finish watching Season II.
I'm not talking too much about it lo....if you guys are interested, you can go to search for the movie or read the comics by online. Hihi...I did put the link to the web of comics in my blog. You are very welcome to read it. Hope you guys will enjoy it.^^
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