老公两天后才从国外回来。出院后,我们常常测试新新的听力和视觉,没有发现任何异常。我们终于放下忐忑的心。可渐渐地,我发现他开始瞪着无神的眼睛发 呆,或者呈现一种令我不安的笑容。当和新新一般大的孩子开始迈着步子,清脆地喊着爸爸妈妈的时候,新新依旧呆呆坐在那里,傻傻地笑着。抱着他四处求医,结 论同出一辙:新新的智力将会停留在幼儿期,除非发生奇迹。
婆婆来看我们,说把新新带走,让我们再要一个孩子。我不假思索断然拒绝,我不能那样做 !他没有选择地来到这个世界,又因为我的疏忽变成这样,已经够不幸了 ! 把新新紧紧搂在怀里,我不要别人分享对他的爱!
新新两周岁生日那天,我才惊觉老公已经不再陪我们一起吃饭了,怕失去他的恐慌开始噬咬着我,使我觉得难以呼吸。直至深夜,一身酒气踉踉跄跄的老公才踏进家门,我已经荒芜的泪水终于又奔涌出来。老婆,我们再要一个孩子好吗? 我狠狠点着头,与他紧紧相拥,抵死缠绵……
2002 年的夏天,一对漂亮的小女孩阳阳和月月降临了。满月以后,那对粉雕玉琢的小人,总是甜甜地笑,很少哭闹。只要我一说话,头就随着我的声音转,让我充分享受 到做妈妈的喜悦。我已经顾不上新新,无论我多么约束自己,潜意识里我已经开始忽略新新,只把他交给保姆,甚至开始讨厌他那傻傻的样子。
转眼,阳阳和月月会走了。新新一般不注意什么,只是对这两个妹妹格外敏感,常常注视她们的一举一动,似乎带着极大的兴趣,而且不同于平时的眼神。我是不 允许他接近她们的,他只能那样在一边望着,可我控制不住阳阳和月月蹒跚迈向新新的脚步,她们同样对新新表现出极大的兴趣。而我却舍不得强迫她们什么,只是 一次又一次严厉地对新新说,记住,不许碰妹妹! 不许碰妹妹!渐渐地,他对我有了怯意,我却丝毫没觉得有何不妥。
一天,孩子们在午睡,保姆出去买菜,我去储物间整理衣物。突然听到孩子的哭声,我连忙跑进卧室,看到新新正从床的栏杆间缝向外拉月月的两根手指,手指被卡住,新新还在用力向外拉。我一把拉过新新,照着他的手,狠狠拍打,不是告诉你不许碰妹妹,不许碰妹妹吗!看你以后还碰不碰妹妹 ! 我越打越生气,似乎在发泄对他积累的厌恶。我疯了似的寻找可以用来打他的东西,直到看见镜子里自己魔鬼一样的脸。我终于听到孩子们的哭声,终于看到蜷缩一团哭泣的新新,还有女儿们的喊叫声……
保姆回来了,抱起新新,看着我余怒未消的脸想说什么,我摆摆手让她抱新新回自己的房间。我哄着阳阳和月月,突然看到床上有几块动物饼干,阳阳的手里还握 着一块要喂我。我连忙到月月那边,果然月月那边床下有几块饼干,已经被我踩碎了。新新最喜欢吃动物饼干,原来他拉妹妹的手是要给妹妹饼干。我的心被刺痛 了,连忙到他的房间,他已经被保姆哄睡了,可还在睡梦里抽搐着。我不禁泛起一阵酸楚,我这是怎么了?我还是他的妈妈吗'
一天,我和女儿们玩着拥抱的游戏。我拍拍手,她们就喊着妈妈,张着小胳膊争先恐后向我跑来,然后我们紧紧拥抱。这么简单的游戏,她们却乐此不疲,一遍又一遍。忽然,新新也张开他的胳膊,向我跑来,含糊地说着,妈妈,妈妈。我简直不相信自己的耳朵! 我的儿子,自从来到这个世界,从没开过口!紧紧搂住扑到怀里的新新,我哭了。已经对他沉睡的母爱被重新唤起,儿子,妈妈有多久没搂过你,妈妈对不起你!
新新被带走的那个晚上,女儿们不肯上床睡觉,一定要等哥哥回来。她们闪着漂亮的大眼睛问我,哥哥什么时候回来 ?为什么哥哥不上幼儿园 ?我的心一凛,回答她们,哥哥生病了,要好长时间才会好。她们又问。他会想我们的,为什么我们不照顾他呢 ?快让哥哥回来,我们会照顾他的。我的心紧了又紧,你们要乖乖的,只要你们听话,哥哥就会回来。她们终于乖乖睡下,而我在黑夜里挂念着新新。儿子,你好吗?
女儿们只去了三天幼儿园,就说什么也不肯去了,告诉我幼儿园里有好多好玩的玩具,还有好多的小朋友,还学习新歌,认字,英语,她们要等哥哥回来一起去。 她们充满期盼的眼睛望着我,还带有小小的挑衅。我讶于她们的执拗,耐着性子哄着她们,可她们却怎么也不肯答应。我沉下脸一手抱着一个,她们哇哇哭起来,妈 妈骗人,说只要我们乖,哥哥就会回来,我们都听话了,可哥哥还是没有回来!
我的心猛地僵住了! 压抑的眼泪再也控制不住,你们的哥哥,他和别人不一样,他永远学不会那些东西 !女儿们为我擦着泪,会的,会的,妈妈,哥哥能学会的,我们会帮助他的 !看着她们,我感到了做妈妈的歉疚,我只会一味逃避,以为自己很爱新新,却不如孩子们充满信心去面对。
每天从幼儿园回来,阳阳和月月都帮助新新复习一天学过的东西,而且不许我插手。我的女儿们是班里最出色的孩子,学什么都特别快,而且记得牢。我知道那是 因为她们要教哥哥,所以格外用心去学习。从没看过比她们还有耐心的孩子,轮流一遍又一遍教着笨拙的新新,一个单词往往要重复好多好多遍,甚至梦里还在喃 喃。每次新新学会了,她们就会欢呼起来,然后学着幼儿园老师的样子翘起大拇指说,哥哥你好棒,哥哥你真棒!而我的儿子,就看着妹妹,傻傻憨憨地笑着。
老师要求每个孩子学习写自己的名字,这对新新来讲简直是不可能的事情。可一个月后的一天,女儿们兴奋地拉着儿子跑来告诉我,哥哥会写自己的名字了。我将信将疑地看着儿子在纸上歪歪扭扭地写下两个大大的 '新 '字,尤其敖看到他们练习的本子,我小小的女儿们,竟然知道把哥哥的名字拆成笔划来教,好几个本子写着他们循序渐进的过程,我再一次被女儿们的耐心折服得泪流满面。
一天,我去接他们。走到教室门口,听到有个孩子喊着,你们的哥哥是个傻孩子!我一惊,连忙走进去。我示意正要阻止的老师,决定让孩子们自己去面对。只见阳阳憋红了小脸对那个孩子说,我的哥哥不是傻孩子,他是天使,他丢了翅膀,来到我们家,变成一个世界上最好的哥哥,他只不过还没习惯人间的生活 。孩子们发出'哇 '的惊叹声,你们的哥哥竟然是天使哎!老师含着眼泪搂过阳阳,对孩子们说,新新是我们班的天使,他会爱我们每个小朋友,还教会我们如何去爱别人。回家的路上,我的心被女儿编织的故事激荡着。我问她们为什么那么爱哥哥,她们一起回答,因为没有哥哥就没有我们啊 !忽地泪又盈满我的眼,原来她们已经牢牢记住了我的话,那么小,就学会了爱和感恩。他们是上天赐给彼此的天使,也是上天送给我最珍贵的礼物。因为他们,我才知道,做妈妈是那么值得骄傲和幸福!
Friday, October 31, 2008
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Chapter 3: Vampire Knight
Can't be denied that Vampire Knight is a really nice animated cartoon. At first, i still doubted about whether it's really that nice when Chean Chean told me about it. She's the one who introduced us to watch it. Vilyn gave me the whole movies of Season I and I just started to watch it after i finished my two weeks holidays in Kuching. Before i watched it, i was attracted by one of the characters named Zero. After watched it, i was completely addicted to the movie. Whereas Vilyn and Chean Chean are more interested in another guy whose name is Kaname.
For sure that everyone can guess this story is all about vampires since the name of movie is Vampire Knight. Haha... In this story, i got to know that there're two types of vampire. One is the pure-blood vampire who is always been respected and has the highest status (noble class) among the rest. Another one is common vampire who may suffer a lot and will fall to Level E eventually. Level E means a level that a vampire totally lost his mind and control. THey will simply attack a human without any hesitation when they are hunger for human blood.
By the way, Zero was the one who will go through Level E as he ever been attacked by a pure blood vampire. One who is being attacked by a pure blood vampire will normally has two consequances. Either he will become a vampire or he will die. Unfortunately, Zero was still alive. Thus, he endured the agony of being a vampire throughout the past four years since he was being attacked. He started to eager for blood which he could hardly accepted the fact. He hated vampires so so so much as his parents were killed by the vampire. It's damn ironic huh~ His life could be extended if he received Kaname's blood. But....he refused to do so...
As a pure blood vampire, Kaname has right and authority to control others. He always looked elegant in his uniform. Besides, he was so mysterious that everyone could hardly comprehend him. Until now, i still wondering that if he was a good one or the bad one although he always protected Yuuki from dangers. Yuuki was a girl that both Zero and Kaname liked. Everything seemed like under his control or plan. This is the thing that confusing me. Never mind, i may find it out when i finish watching Season II.
I'm not talking too much about it lo....if you guys are interested, you can go to search for the movie or read the comics by online. Hihi...I did put the link to the web of comics in my blog. You are very welcome to read it. Hope you guys will enjoy it.^^
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Chapter 2 : A Walking Day
Oh my goodness!! I was over slept this morning. I set my alarm at 9.45a.m. When it was ranging, i stopped it and continued to sleep....Until 10.59a.m, i just woke up suddenly. Oh gosh, i was late already!! I had to go to faculty at 11a.m with my friends. I went to brushed teeth and washed face immediately. Luckily i just spent few minutes to finish it. Haha...
After that,we went to faculty to submit the last assignment. Actually that's not my assignment, i just accompanied them. Haha... My main purposes were to photocopy notes and buy some boxes to put my books. When we reached the fac, we went to computer lab to print out the assignment. Unfortunately, somebody else was using it. We waited for about an hour there. Meanwhile, we surf the Net to read comics which entitled 'Vampire Knight' instead of sitting there doing nothing. I'm addicting in Vampire Knight recently. Not only i watched its movies, i downloaded its songs some more. Haha...
After they printed their assignment, we went to Pusanika in order to get the assignment bind. Besides, we got a lot of things to do there. Unluckily, there's no current in the photostat shop. Therefore, we went to the highest floor to photocopy our things. Then we went down to Unikeb to buy bus tickets. OMG!! They were out for lunch...! They will be back to work around 2.30p.m. Fine! We went down again to the ground floor, where the only backery located, to have our lunch. We sat down to enjoy our meals while chit chatting around.
After we finished our meals, we went back again to the fac to submit the assignment and my friends wanted to find her mentors as well. Then we walked back AGAIN to Pusanika to buy some boxes and carried them up to Unikeb to look for the bus tickets. What?!!! They were still not in their places! WTF! THus, we went to the top floor to take my photocopied notes and headed back to our college. Hu....what a hot and miserable day it is!!
Around 6p.m, we went to cafe to look for food. Not again!! The workers were not cooking today. I was wondering that today is my day?? Why everything can't be settled smoothly. However, the lucky thing was the Kak at cashier willing to cook for us. Hu....finally got a glimpse of hope for our dinner.
Again, i spent my whole day by doing nothing especially failed to revise for my exam. It's too bad~ I hope i can do it by tomorrow. Not just saying, but doing it! GAmpate!!
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 10:18 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Chapter 1 : An Unexpected Sunday
Haha~finally i have my own blog. Although it is not look as nice as others, but still ok lah. This is the 2nd time i write my things in public whereas the 1st time i wrote was comment for my friend, Vilyn's blog. After i wrote the comment, i had quite a strong feeling to create my own blog. haha...That's why i'm here to write my things out.
Yesterday was Sunday like usual. Most of the people in college went back home already as we are having study week now. Luckily i'm not the only one in my block, still got some people there. Recently there's a disgusting smell inside my block, perhaps is because the cats around. Aiks...
Don't know why our college cafe no cook again. Nothing to eat at all. The Kak at the cashier there told us that tonight got a 'jamuan' at Dr. Bab's block. Everyone is welcoming to go, but need to wait until 8.30p.m. It's late...Therefore, i tried to ask one of our seniors if he can helped us to buy some food. After that, he fetched us out to eat. After eating our dinner, he drove us back. On the way back, he drove rather fast than usual, maybe he was rushed in time. Actually i was a bit scared but still can stand for it because i was not the 1st time to sit in such a speeding car. However, he still drove rather stable.
Chean Chean, my college mate, invited us to go for that jamuan. At first, i still felt like don't wanna go but then was being persuaded by my friends to go for a look. Thus, we went there at about 9p.m. We had some food there and enjoyed chatting with a Filipino. Suddenly, one of my friends, Tsin received a call from her family. Out of our expectations, it was a bad news....Her father was passed away.... We were shocked. I din't know how to react towards the news. After that, she booked a flight back home on the next day. I don't know what to say and how to comfort her either. Just hoping she can recover very soon! Tsin, Jia You!!
This was not the 1st time i heard about such kind of sad news. I did gone through it last year. I lost a friend end of last year. He was my best friend's boyfriend. I never expected this will happen in my life. Yet, it did! Everything still remains the same in this world, but there's less a person who never comes back again. The Earth is still rotating, the Sun is still rising. Not much change. Life no take two, it can't be played again and again like a video cd.... So we need to know how to appreciate everything and everyone around us. We never know what will happen tomorrow...
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 3:55 PM 0 comments