Saturday, October 17, 2009
Chapter 25: ~Freaky Friday~

pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Chapter 24: Missing U, Mama!!
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Chapter 23: 我哭了
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Chapter 22: Saturday
What a splendid Saturday that i'm keen to have for weeks and even months. hehe...
I had my Law exam in the morning of Saturday. I realised that i got somewhere wrong with the principle, the section as well as the case that i used. Hope i still can get some marks for that question.
My exam was until 10.30 a.m and i went back to have a rest before going out with friends. I waited bus at about 12p.m and i never expect that it would take me an hour to wait for its arrival. The long waiting and the hot weather almost took my patience off. Finally i got up the bus at 1.10p.m where my friends were already in the bus and headed to Kajang for our plan. haha...
After we had our lunch, we went to Metro Point for singing k. We made the reservation at 2.15p.m and it's still has few minutes to give us a breath of rest when reaching there. This was my longest singing where we took 5 hours staying in the small room and sang out loud. During the singing, we've called for services for 3 times. haha....i never make service call for that many before, quite paiseh...we asked for refilling drinks for twice and a change of mic for another.
After the long singing, we went to 'Da Zhong' to have our dinner. And then headed to Metro Kajang to buy my facial wash with flavour of green tea. No doubt that i'm a lover of green tea! hehe... Time to WAIT for bus AGAIN!
We reached UKM few minutes before 11p.m. I didn't go back to my hostel, instead i was going to my Fiona's room and had a shower there as we were running out of time to go for our next plan..... MOVIE! I've not step into the cinema for ages. I can't remember when and what movie i had at the very last time. It doesn't matter then...
Fiona's friend picked us up at 11.30p.m but we let him waited for few minutes for us to dress up. hehe...sorry bout it. It took about half an hour or less or more...(er...i don't know actually...) to reach the GSC at Alamanda (did i spell it right?). For our disappointment, there just left 4 seats but in separate places. This is same to go with other movie. Then we moved our target to the reserved seats and we got them at last. Felt quite sorry for those 4 persons indeed. But no choice, 1st come 1st serve. hehe...Yippy, time to go for 'Angels and Demons'.
I was quite blur with the story as it's much related to religion (Christianity) that i don't have much idea with it. But it's quite a nice movie which i did get excited with certain parts of the story.
After the movie came to an end, it's time to go back also. On the way back, Fiona's friend told us some terms and stories related to Christianity that did appear in the movie. Although i still failed to get the whole story clear, at least i could get some parts of the story linked to one another. Not bad lah...wahaha...
It's 3.20a.m when i reached my room. Whole block was in silence and i was the one who still remained awake i bet. haha...I still managed to go for a bath again before going to sleep as i can't bear the stickiness of my body every time after coming back from outside.
Hmm....It's a great Saturday overall!! Satisfied with it....and it's a Saturday which i laughed the most since weeks. :) Look for the next one then..
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Chapter 21 : Could they be?
Now is the 3rd week of 3rd sem which I will have my mid term exams also. 3rd sem is not as great as I think. Everything seems too rush. All the syllabus have to be taught in just 6 weeks including the days of exam. Can you imagine??
I've gone through half of the sem and I've not really realised it. Can say time is passing by so quickly? Yeah, absolutely... I take 3 subjects in this pretty short sem where two of them are requiring project papers. I haven't start them yet and I'm wondering if I can finish it on time. Time seems just ain't enough.
Could it be more time for 3rd sem?
I found that there're quite a lot of things happened lately no matter to me myself or my family or people around me. Some time I do really feel tired of it. Think to avoid it, think to get rid of it, think to run far far away from it.... but then, I just can't do like the way I think 'cause it did happen right in my life.
That day was the very 1st time that i heard he cried right beside my ear from the other end of the phone. At the next moment, I could feel my tears rolling down across my cheeks. Sorry that I can't do anything to ease the pain in your heart and help to get those things to be resolved. How much I wish I could do so. But no matter how, I'll always love you, dad and mom!
Could there be lesser problems happen in my life?
Always do i think that why others can live rather happier than i do. But then I would think another way round. Are they really happy every time? Or they also have things that trouble them? Maybe they have, just I won't get to know what kinda problems they are facing.
Could we have more happy time instead of the sad one?
Today I've paid RM461.90 for my subjects fee as well as the accommodation fee which are RM288 and RM173.90 respectively. So there left not much in my bank account. Are they enough to support my daily spending for one more month here?
Last week I failed to follow those juniors to Genting Highland. There're some reasons for my absence. Money, of course, is the main reason that took me into consideration. I was afraid that I would spend too much for the trip and lack of 'agong tao' to fulfill my stomach's dreams.
Could I have more money than I'm having now?
2nd would be the latest disease called H1N1 which got 2 or 3 people being infected so far. I don't have a clear info about this disease. How does it spreading among human beings? How can it be cured?
Could there be lesser diseases being discovered from now on?
And the last reason that I could think of would be....(I think it was the stupid reason though)...It's not worth that I pay the ticket for outdoor games as I'm not dare and maybe can't afford to play most of the games. I think I would probably vomit right after playing those exciting games. And I scared my heart could hardly stand for the excitement which brings by the games.
Could I have a stronger heart and body to fight for all excitements and shocks in my later live?
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Chapter 20: Late...
Today i had my 2nd last paper which was PPDI at 12p.m. I set my cellphone alarm at 8.30a.m last night before slept as i thought to wake up earlier to look through again for the last chapter.
This morning, i was awaken by my sudden ringing cellphone. I had totally no idea about who the caller was because he or she hung up the call when i just managed to say 'Hello'. Well, this was not the point that i wanna deliver but i do appreciate it though.
The thing was here....when i looked at the mini alarm clock which stands still on my table, it showed the time with 10.45a.m. What?!!! 10.45a.m.!!! WTF!! How could i wake up so late?!! I was panic but my mind still try hard to make thing better. It kept running and produced steps that i should take and complete before 11a.m. because i need to go wait for the bus to DG at 11.
I immediately grabbed my toothbrush, shower foam, facial wash and rushed to the bath room. It took me about 10 minutes to get all the things done. Hu....luckily i still manage to go out at sharp 11. I couldn't remember how and when i turned the alarm off. Maybe I did it without my consciousness. haha...
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Chapter 19: Why?
Final exams is about to end and it carries a meaning that it's time to put an end for this semester where at the same time the new semester is awaiting for our arrivals. I'm just going to have 3rd sem ,which people call it as short sem, right after i finished the final exam. Meanwhile, some of my friends will have their practicals in different places.
Hmm...don't know why i don't have the mood looking forward in the coming sem. Just feel uneasy with all the things around me. I feel like there's a big stone stucks in my heart that makes me couldn't let out a sigh of relief. I just don't know why. It's kinda weird feeling which i never know the reason why.
I've been hardly missing home and my mom these few days. I made calls to her almost every day recently. That's why my phone credit keeps on dropping from it's place. Yet, it doesn't matter. I just wanna hear her voice coming from the other end of the phone. It makes me happy every time after i hang up the call. Is this what we called.....homesick?? haha...
Although i will be back home not until 3 months from now, it feels like years to go and i may need to go through many things in this period of time. There's nowhere i can escape to. Just FACE FACE FACE! ArggGg....
Things seem to be complicated when one growing older and older. Even with the simplest thing. Is that because of we think too much? Perhaps it is. If i could, i wanna turn everything back to where it was at the time when i was young, so that i won't feel so frustrated and moody when things get bad.
What would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you feel like the way i do?
Everything just ain't right......
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Chapter 18: Present
I've just read a mail where there's a part says like this:
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it called PRESENT!!
Gift = Present,
Present = Today,
Today = Now.
That's why we have to appreciate everyone and everything that we have now as they are gifts in our lives. We never know what tomorrow will be liked. It may be a happy day and it may be the other way round.
Try to be satisfied with what we have and don't let them go worthlessly. XD
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Chapter 17: SumMer iN MaLaySia
It's finally rain about 5 or 6 hours ago. Yet, not as long as i wish. I've been waiting for it for almost a century. Am I exaggerating? haha....i guess i am.
But really, don't know what's the matter that not rain for weeks. It's really damn hot and dry. Even my drinking water becomes warm after putting on the table near the window. Is this the summer season in Malaysia??
And i would like to ask a question: "Uncle Rain, are you doing a strike these few weeks because of not being paid?" hihi...
The Uncle Sun really doing his job by coming up early in the morning. The hot weather makes me hardly concentrate on my studies for exams. My mind always being distracted and flies away from books. I totally can't feel the fresh air in my small room. Everything just 'hot'!
My Shokubutsu with green tea flavour is being used up so quickly because i take shower more than i usually do. Three or four times a day. Just like today, i bathe early in the morning before going for exam. Took bath again after coming back from exam. And took a shower again just now. Perhaps do it once again later before sleep. hehe... Every time i bathe, i Just wonder whether i bathe with a water heater? The water just warm all the time. How can it be....hai....
It's winter over Australia. How much i wish i could be there. Put on a think sweater and scarf around my neck, i can walk on the roadside which covered by white snow all around. I can even build a cutie snowman outside the house and have a snow war with family or friends. Sitting in front of the fireplace and having some cookies with some hot drink, looking outside the window where the snow begins to fall. Wow...how nice it is!
Why Malaysia never has winter? Is that because of the stupid equator (Khatulistiwa) or 'the Line'? sigh...I'm not the creator of the earth, or else i can relocate Malaysia to a more suitable place. wahahah...it's a kinda of day dreaming, but then now is night time.
Anyway, hope will rain again and again for these few days.....plZzz... XP
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 6:52 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Chapter 16: She is no longer here....
Just now my mom told me that my aunt passed away this morning about 11 something. Before this, I was already heard she was very sick for days or weeks. Last night we still mentioned about her when I phoned my mom. She's being sent to hospital once again. My mom said that she might not getting well or going through at this state. But I never expect she's gone this fast. Luckily she was not that suffering when she passed away. She went with a serene face. :)
This was not the 1st time I heard she stayed in hospital for days. Last year, she was also got sick quite seriously and I was scared she's just went like that. Fortunately, I still can say 'Happy CNY' to her during this past new year. Seeing she sat on her chair with her serene smile. She always look that kind. She suffered a lot with diabetes and need to be injected everyday to control her sickness. She could not move and walk easily like us. So she spent most of her time sitting on her chair. Sometime I am wondering that will she feels lonely by sitting there all alone doing nothing? But I know that she never wants to be like that and could do nothing about it as well. Is this what life called? Is this the life we would have when we getting older? hmm...
Suddenly think of a song namely 'Now That She's Gone' by JJ 林俊杰. I could still remember there's a sentence says that "Now that she's gone, what's left of us is this song." in the lyrics. Yeah, now what's left of us is the memories together with her. Maybe this is the time for her to find a peaceful place and stay there happily ever after.
Rest in peace, my lovely aunt. We'll never forget you in our life time. Miss you...
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Chapter 15: He is a FREAK!
Supposed I'm having my 2nd last paper for mid exam today which is SP, who knows....it'd been postponed! The reason was the lecturer's pendrive is broken so he has to reset the questions once again. What the hell is that foolish reason huh! Just because of this silly reason, I've used up few days to study and get myself ready for it, and forced to put another subject aside which needs a lot of memorizing. Urggg....Fine then~ however this is not the worst thing for today's class.
For what I've known, this SP lecturer is always being emotional. He can smiles at you kindly at this moment but shows you a 'black face' at the next. I still remembered...no no...should be I'll never forget that he ever left us behind just after the moment he finished drawing few lines on the white board. It just took about 10 or even less than 10 minutes for him to attend a class that day just because of some students were late for few minutes. Can you imagine?? haha....I still made a guess that he would end the class at 3.30p.m, but then I was overestimated apparently.
Well, for today, everything seemed alright when the class began. He was explaining today's lesson while writing some examples on the white board. Suddenly, he stopped. He pointed out one of the students who sat few rows behind me and scolded him for talking in the class. He is impressive because he is the only chinese guy in the class and the lec could even remember where he usually sit at. Wow...! The lucky angel was obviously not by his side today, therefore, he was being 'halau' by the emo lec. And....the crazy lec declared to fail him in the mid exam in front of the class. It's damn serious man!! But what to do, he has the right to do what he likes.
Not only that, he kept on saying he was very angry throughout the lesson and the most damn thing is...he is going to set the much more harder questions for us in the exam!! Are you a freak or psycho, old man?!! What a petty old man he is! Ish ish ish....hu....hu....cool down cool down....
Hai...I'm worrying about my SP exam now~ what can I do?? Nothing perhaps...
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 10:47 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Chapter 14: bLack-Out
It was black-out last night. Oops...supposed to be very early before dawn, about 5 something in the morning today. haha.... I was still awake at that time as I did take a nap before 1a.m, so won't feel sleepy after that. I was reading the last chapter of a novel before going to bed. Before I could do it, the darkness was fallen suddenly. I couldn't even see a thing around me. Immediately, I found out it's black-out actually. Hu....scare me~ I thought it was just my block in the dark, but when I looked out the window to the block next to mine, it's black also. Don't know why, I felt a bit relieved...^^
It was really damn quiet after black-out because the sound which made by the spinning fan was remained silent. I could hardly bear the hotness in the room but there's nothing i can do. Just can holding a book and kept fanning myself. At the same time, the disgusting mosquitoes were fooling around me and giving a lots of 'kiss mark' on my hands and legs. Oh gosh, they were really annoying!!! I've killed about 8 or 9 mosquitoes while they tried to 'kiss' me!! I could not sleep totally. It was hard time for me...really!
I could hear some noises outside my door as others were,maybe ,awaken by the hotness as well. Time passed quietly while I trying my best to 'slap' those impolite mosquitoes. The 'Uncle Sun' began to peep his head out through the clouds. And I was about to fell sleep in the early morning. Hai....what a 'soi' day huh! Damn torturing...!
Well, it's not over yet. The electricity just back to its job just now at 7pm sth after a whole day strike. haha~ Luckily no need to face the completely darkness tonight. Choi choi choi...cannot simply say any unlucky thing! wahahah~
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Chapter 13: 1st Paper in This Sem
I had my 1st paper for mid sem exam yesterday. It's IA II. Before going to the exam hall, I had not much feelings. Just hope I could remember all the things that I've learnt. My exam was at 2p.m, so I went to wait for my friend about 1.30p.m. I took more than 10 minutes to wait her coming. Frankly, my patience was about to run out. I even went back to my room and made a call to her. Hu.... I didn't mean to blame her what, but we were going to sit for the exam, so i was a bit worried.
Don't know why, the exam was 10 minutes behind time. I was getting nervous when the time passed by minute by minute. My heart was pumping in speed when going into the exam hall and finding a place to sit. Well, I left some blank in the papers as I didnt know how to answer. Hai....
After the exam, I let out a sign of relief 'cause my 1st paper was over. HaHa...it's just my 1st paper. I felt very tired and hungry after that. My stomach started to scream while I still writing on the papers. haha.... So i asked my friends to go cafe earlier than usual. Remained the same, I ordered 'ayam goreng kunyit' for my dinner. Once I like a kinda of food, I will eat it almost every day. wahaha....it's my royalty towards food!!
My friends always say there's no new post in my blog while they had few already in theirs. haha... well, now I'm updating my blog with my newest story. haha....although it's just a little part, it did happen in my life. It's good to jot them down some time for memories...perhaps... :o)
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Chapter 12: Unforgettable 21st Birthday
Today is my 21st birthday. I even forgot it is today. Hahah...My uni friends celebrated with me right after the PAP dinner in the DECTAR. Wow, what a coincidence again~ haha...Before this, my 'nong li' birthday was on Christmas day. It's my lucky day, I assume! After I blew the candles, they pushed the candle deep inside the cake and asked me to take it out with my mouth. It seems like a traditional for birthday. Haha... Well, I bet everyone knows what will happen after that. Yeah, they pushed my face on the cake! Hmmm.... the delicious cheese cake was sticked on my big face. Haha... Some of them still said the cake was not creamy and sticky enough...=.=`` But then the cake was so delicious and I like cheese cake very much! It's from Secret Recipe and I like it's cakes!! wahaha...I never expect that I will have my birthday at a big place like DECTAR and there're so many people around. I could feel a burst of heat on my ears. They sang 3 different languages of birthday songs to me~ wahahah....every time when I felt like it was the end of the song, they sang again with different language...Anyway, It's really a different, amazing and unforgettable 21st birthday for me! I love it and even appreciate it! I will never forget today~ Thanks for tonight, all of my dear friends!! Love you all!!
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Chapter 11: Christmas Eve
It's quite funny to write about christmas eve now after weeks. Actually I'm really lazy to write anything here but after reading my friends' blog, just feel that I should drop something here as memorises. It's a chance to recall back those memorises as well. See what can I remember for that day ya...as I will not remember very well what had happened two days before..normally like that...Hihi..
I went out with my two best friends at that morning..oOpss...should be a whole day. But I forgot where we went for day time. I just remembered we started to prepare ourselves at about 5 something in the evening. We prepared at Jiun's house as it becomes our habit to get ourselves ready before going to any celebration. I have totally have no skill in making up my face, so this job falls to my buddy for sure. haha...so lame isn't? Oh ya, now I just remembered before we going to Jiun's house, we went to buy some make up stuffs at Tun Jugah. Surprisingly, some of those stuff were my birthday presents because on the day of Christmas is my birthday according to Lunar Calendar. Wahaha...so happy! What a coincidence huh!! After finished preparing, Jiun's boyfriend came to fetch us out. In the car, we kept on thinking where should we go to have our dinner as many places were full of people. At last, we decided to go to Fragpe which is located Travillion. It was the same place where we had dinner during Chritmas Eve year before. Same condition!! We waited the food to come for quite long. It's really bad service. Ish ish ish....
After that, we planned to go pub as those places are normally filled with an atmosphere of excitement and happiness maybe. Frankly, I don't really like those places. Instead a bit scared of it. But It's ok to give a try. Unfortunately, we could hardly find a parking place and most of the pub was full with people around. After few rounds finding place to park, we gave up finally and drove away. And It's almost near to 12a.m, so we rushed to Spring to watch the fireworks there. Luckily we still could reach on time. Haha...It's beautiful man!
It's no point to go pub since the peak time of celebrating Chritmas was over. Thus, we went to Bing Coffee to have a drink. After that, Jiun's boyfriend fetched us back to Jiun's house as Ying and me stayed overnight at her house. After finished our bath, we still doing mask! haha...It's crazy right? But it's fun. We couldn't stop from laughing at each other as our faces were black in colour after applying the cream, but we couldn't laugh hardly as we scared the mask will crack and wrinkle our faces. haha....it's a sweet memory.
It's a quite different Christmas Eve that I had because we were just in the car driving here and there whole the night. Ying still fell sleep in the car. Haha...no point...she is a healthy baby who sleeps early. Anyway, at least we could celebrate Christmas together!!
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 7:45 PM 0 comments