Finally back from Penang on 24th night. I reached Kuching around 8p.m. It's actually 15 minutes earlier. I stayed at Penang for 4 days 3 nights. First night we stayed at Zhi Hui's house. Before going to her house, she fetched us to go eat. She paid for all the food. Really paiseh about it...haha...after that, she recommend that we can book one new hotel named B-Suite as it's rather cheaper. It just costs RM135 per night. It's really elegant and nice! But then we missed the chance to stay in it because of our consideration. Aiks.... Then we went to another hotel named Seri Malaysia. It looks like hostel rather than hotel. Disappointed....but no choice. That night I slept at around 4a.m as I talked with Zhi Hui while others slept already. haha...
On the 2nd day, Zhi Hui fetched us to Seri Malaysia after going for breakfast and snake temple. It's the first time I touched the snake. Ouch...I'm scared. About 3p.m we just out with Ting's friends, Steve and Eric. Actually I quite afraid that we have no topic to talk about but luckily they are talkative instead. Same like us. haha... They brought us go here and there. And most of the time, they paid the bills for food. Paiseh again. At night, Ting's sister went out with us because she's working in Penang. About 12 something, we back to the 'hostel' after sending Ting's sis back to her place.
On the 3rd day, Eric came to fetch us out while Steve had volley ball competition at the beach. We went to pick Vilyn's friend who studies at USM and had a ride in USM compound. After that we just met Steve up. We went to visit their (Steve and Eric) living place. It's not bad. We can see the Penang bridge outside from their place. It's much more condominium and apartment than Kuching. More or less same as 2nd day journey where we went here and there and ate food at different places. It's too much to eat. It really enjoyable. Just walk around and eat. haha...At night, after went back to our 'hostel' rather earlier as we were tired already, our senior came to our place and chit-chatting with us till quite late. One day past again. Time past too fast that we were going to back home on the next day. It's one of my sweet memories in my life. I wish to travel to other state with my friends next time. It's really fantastic!!
On 22th November Kek Lok Shi
The Ship Restaurant
On 23th November Temple
Toy Museum
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Chapter 10: Penang Trip 21/11-24/11
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Chapter 9: First Time
Today I went to Timesquare with my coursemates. This is the 1st time I hang out with them. They suggested to take Rapid KL instead of KTM which I never try before, it's the 1st time as well. It took quite a long time to reach there but the bus ticket is much more cheaper than KTM's. It cost just RM2 for two journeys go and back. After we reached there, we straight away went to buy movie tickets. They wanted to watch Madagascar 2, but I was a little bit refused. But then I still agreed since most of them wanted to watch. Out of my expectation, it's not that bad, quite funny instead, not as boring as i think it is. don't try to judge a book by it's cover. This is the 1st time again I watched a movie at Timesquare.
I had lots of 'first time' in this semester indeed. First time I have to sleep alone in hostel as I'm staying in senior block which is one room per person. At first, I was scared for sure because I always think too much especially about 'that thing'. Haha...few days later, however, I was used to it. Is it too fast for me to adapt the new condition? If now I'm requested to move back to junior block where I will have a roommate, I think I would not accept it. ^^
Other than that, I was facing trouble with my study loan three months ago. It's first time. I was totally panic and my mind was blank like a piece of white paper when I got to know the bad news. I couldn't get my loan due to incorrect information that I filled for the application form. They were supposed to discover the error from the start but they failed to do so. They just recognized it at the beginning of this sem. WTF! Can't deny that it's my fault in filling the wrong info, but they should check it properly and make me known about it at the very first time! Aiks~It's quite a troublesome and long procedure to apply again for the loan. I did ask helps from my friends for fetching me here and there. Really thanks to all of you!! Once again, I went to KL Central to deal something with the loan by myself for the first time. Hai...
Moreover, my lovely laptop was being reformatted because of the stupid viruses for the first time not long ago. Ouch, it's kinda pain in my heart! But luckily my senior helped me to settle the problem. He helped me reformatted and installed back most of the program that I want. Very thanks ya!
Of course creating my own blog was also one of the first times o. Hahaha...It's quite fun to post something in blog and share it with friends...Last but not least, I'm first time travelling to Penang soon! Looking for it now. Yeah yeah~ Actually I still got many first time which I could hardly remember now. Got good one and also bad for sure. However, all of them were my experiences in life which make my life full of colourful stories. Not bad...
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 11:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Chapter 8: Finally
Finally my exam is over. I had my last paper today. It's not too tough but of course it's not too easy for me as well. At least it's not as difficult as finance. I managed to answer for all of the questions this time. Unlike last time when mid sem, I left lot of the questions blank as I didn't know how to answer. Don't know what grade will I get for this subject. Haha...
Although I need not to study like crazy now but i don't have the feeling of release. Not that excited as I think I will, don't know why, I wonder. But it doesn't matter, as long as I can forget about book and do whatever I like now. Haha... I'm gonna pack all my things up for the sem break again in these few days. After that move them to the locker that I rented. My things are getting more and more so don't know the locker can fit all of them or not. It's really a tiring stuff to deal with. This is the thing that i don't like for staying in hostel.
Just now, Vilyn told me that one of competitors for Superstar Season 3 was committed suicide because of love. She was the 2nd runner-up in the singing competition. I know very little of her because I didn't watch Season 3. I wondered that is this the only way for her to solve the problem that she faced? Is it worth? I can't tell it surely as I don't know her feelings for being hurt or what. Nobody can judge it as we are not her. I just know that her family and friends need long long time to heal their inner pain for this unexpected tragedy. Finally she chose this way and left everything behind and went to a peaceful place, maybe, alone.
I hope i won't take such action as she did if I face similar love problem in future because i can't predict my future and my thought may be changed when time goes by. Just hope this day will never come in my life. Amitoufo~ haha...
Yippy, just left 3 more days that i can go to Penang lu!! Haha...Penang, I'm coming!! Yahoo...^^
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Chapter 7: Miserable...
In this exam period, i faced a lot of studies problems. Time, understanding, concentration and so on. Frankly, i still don't have a clear and obvious idea of how to handle these problems which i will encounter in every exam. I'm easily distracted by things around me. Lots of temptation which i could hardly ignore. 'Not enough time to study', 'I don't understand what is it about'...all of these are the phrases that i always mention. But, did i take any action? Erm... Some time i do, some time i don't. I know it's all because of my own attitude which brings up these troubles. That's why....
I take 6 subjects in this semester. Two out of six are my majoring subjects that are costing and taxation I. Other four are compulsory subjects for all either business or accounting students. Now, i just left one last paper which i will be sitting for next Monday. It's macroeconomic paper. I don't have much confidence in scoring it well for sure. So as my past five papers. I was really disappointed and dismal when i found that i had totally no idea to answer the questions. Just like today, i could just barely answered three out of five questions for financial paper. Almost same condition goes to my costing and taxation I papers. It's really feel like shit!
That day, Ting asked me if i have ever get C in my exam. I said no....not yet. But now i think that the C's are on the way to visit me very soon. I'm their prey this time. No way to escape! I really don't hope to have C in my results. It's damn UGLY! Really!
Nevertheless, there's still happiness waiting for me after this exhausting exam. I'm gonna have a few days trip to Penang with my friends. I've never been there before and this is the first trip which i ever have with my Uni friends. How Penang looks like? Eager to look for it's views. Heard that it's a place with variety of food and I won't let go this chance to taste it!! haha.... Can't wait to go now. Hope i will have a nice and enjoyable trip!
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Chapter 6: What am i doing?
I've wasted so much times which i can actually used to revise my studies. Instead, i used it for surfing the Net, sleeping and so on. What on earth am i thinking about?! Huh~ i don't know. I always think to achieve better results in my exam but it just a thought in my mind. I always fail to do something on that thought. Aiks....i hate myself so much! Why others can do what they think... Perhaps it's nothing about the CAN, it's all about the WANT.
I can't always be like this!! I must do something!! My will in studying, please come back to me faster! I need you now~ I'm waiting for you o! haha.... Am i sound crazy?? I do think so...
Anyway, hope everything will fall into place very soon. Good luck everyone!
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 7:03 PM 2 comments
Chapter 5: Vampire Knight Guilty
I've read Vampire Knight Guilty which is Season II last night. I spent quite a long time to finished reading until the latest chapter (Chapter 44) as the movies of it haven't been uploaded in the web. The feelings were different when reading Season I and II. The story in the Season II was totally out of my expectations.
At first, i was so excited to read it because i wanna know how the story will turn to be then. It's still ok after reading few chapters. Everything seemed fine. In the story, Yuuki ,who lost her memories before the age of 4, felt worried and scared about her pass. She couldn't remember what had she done before and even her family. She always wondered why her parents abandoned her in the snow and nearly being attacked by a vampire. Luckily Kaname appearred and rescued her from the danger. She was so desperate to know about her pass, so she found Kaname who may know clearly about her lost memorise. Yet, Kaname was always refused to tell her the truth unless she was willing to be his lover so that he could protect her after revealing the truth of her pass. But then, Kaname still remained the same....not try to tell Yuuki anything. This made her very mad about Kaname.
After reading up to here, the story started to turn the other way round. Everything seemed not really right. There's a Master who was a vampire as well tended to find a way for him to revive. He switched his 'soul' into his son's body in order to carry on his plan. His presence not only brought lots of problems to the vampires but also caused chaos in the Cross Academy. He got his body stored in a coffin and put it in one of the rooms of the school. He was really an evil that ruined Kaname's family ten years ago. Kaname thought to kill him by destroying his body but he couldn't do so. Instead, he cut his hand in order to give his blood to Master's body (I also don't why he did so. Hihi...). Within the blood, Master revived!
At the same time, Kaname decided to tell Yuuki about the truth that she keen to know....He bit her neck with his fangs and then gave her his blood in return. At first, i thought he wanna turn Yuuki into a vampire like him. But.....i was wrong!! I bet no one will know the truth behind his act. Zero smelled the scent of Yuuki's blood as well as Kaname's because he ever drank their blood before. He followed the scent to the place where they stayed. Immediately, he pointed his gun towards Kaname and tried to shoot him. Without hesitation, Yuuki stopped him and screamed out loud...."No Zero!! He' older brother!". What??!! Brother?! Don't doubt that Kaname was Yuuki very own brother. He was no longer Kaname Senpai to Yuuki but Kaname Oniisama which means brother. I was very surprised anyway.
Yuuki lost her memorise was because of her mother, Juuri. Yuuki was being protected by her parents and kept her existence out of others acknowledgment from the day she was born. She stayed in the basement without any window all the time. When Yuuki was 4 year old, her mother sacrified her life to turn Yuuki into a 'regular' human so that no one will know she is a vampire. Oh gosh, Yuuki was a PUREBLOOD vampire!!! Hai...I wonder why the story will turn out like this. What's the animator thought about when drawing out the story? Who knows?...
I don't know how to describe my feelings after reading it. Happy? Not really.... Unhappy? Not really also... xD Don't know lah....Hihi.... If you want to know about what happened next, please read yourselves lah. I don’t know how to continue the story already…^^
pRepAreD bY eLbiE at 9:52 AM 1 comments